A taste.

How you like that? You cant stop progress.


Every time I see her start a fire, I get higher.

-Type O Negative.

All be waiting for you if you ever wanna be there.

-Fleetwood Mac.

They left Me! can you believe that??? My roommates made plans and got gone.I think that they are fuckassing around in Portland at the moment although I did get a message telling me it was raining in Tokyo.If I am a good girl I am getting new aviator’s and diet pills.

Pants free Rocktober!

Nah,Its all good.I have not got dressed in days.I cleaned the house in the nude listening to Iron Maiden today so what the hey right? I can deal with being a bit chilly for the liberation factor.Guess that they will be home by the end of the month.Be safe.

No complaints here {“Liar!”}


Spoke to The Lee-fish for hours tonite.Like a couple of conspiracy theory fueled teenaged girls.We think that we are going to suffer from terminal Rollins-itis  forever.I also think that I am gonna pull a road trip and go and see Pig Destroyer with him.He twisted my rubber arm .Twice in just over a week? Sign me up for that….

Missing Gene and Laura.Everyone got together for what would have been Mishes 40th birthday,Just when you think your getting it together and boom! Knocks you right on your ass again.Laura brought the new mixes back from Vancouver and Liezel said that they are brilliant.I know that Gene is fully obsessed with it and its yet another reason to love him.I miss playing and I miss my Long Beach family.

I am still shaking off the remnants of that filthy big sick that struck me down for my birthday.Pulling alot of Nana naps and lying in the sun.Managed to get my shit together to get a long overdue tattoo the other night from my amazing Luke though.No shit,here is the fable….

I am writing a painfully dense story at the moment filled with heaps of really cool characters,I mean,I have spent more time on them than the plot at this point and they tend to run unchecked through my imagination at all times.There is one sad eyed babe in the mix by the name of Miss Stevie.She nurses a broken heart like a  baby doll and owns a coffee shop and has serious roots delving deep into the lifer’s elixir that is rock and roll….so on and so forth….but here is the thing.I dug her and her style so much that I got the same tattoo as her.You read that right.I copied a tattoo off a character that I created.

What are you gonna do? She is so much cooler that I.Not that that is so difficult but you know what I mean.When I see her as I write she floors me with her single minded grace and melancholia. Shes all that I am not and I think that I have a bit of a crush on her.


Miss Stevie has a thing for a certain long limbed guitar wrangler who is very cavilier with her affections.She also has two grey Burmese cats called Mick and Keef….

Oh! the Tattoo! In cursive across the inside of both my elbows.You know ,above my thick black bands? The vein highway that looks like its begging to be bitten? Yeah,well that tender expanse now is inscribed in black cursive with some of the most ass clenchingly brilliant lyrics ever committed to vinyl.

“I have my freedom,but I don’t have much time.”

Oh the romance! I get a swoon on when I look at them.Nice way of saying a girl boner.

So what else is going on with planet me? I seem to be allergic to my emails at the moment.Pot or kettle.I get the shits when people don’t get back to moi.I don’t have a whole heap to say right now so I keep playing guitar and writing.New stuff for the next Meldrum album and some other shit that I have on the go.Reconnected with J.Devoy who is doing magical things with his band Ink.Seeing that I am home for the summer we are gonna be wring some shit together.I love working with good people.I am a lucky girl.

Expect a Kate Bush cover.

Like I said,I cleaned like a mad woman today as the worlds hottest Vegan aka,Blackie is gonna be crashing with me for a while.Punk rocking the bejesus out of the ‘burbs meat free and devil may care.Its gonna be great.I haven’t lived with him since that shit box in Saint Peters in 04’ time flies blah,blah….I have actually got him listening to Clutch which is something.

In the spirit of flesh free living with his royal punkness I went nuts and got high on bleach and goodwill AND decided to defrost our piece of shit bar fridge along with the “De-meating” [His words not mine] of the kitchen.

As I sit here and bang  away I look over and quel horror! There is something emerging in the bowels of the freezer.Jimmy Hoffa? Nazi gold? By the look of it I wont be able to tell for the next 48 hours.

I fibbed.I wasn’t nude.I was wearing my tiger slippers.

Mo Mayhem is a dreamboat.I woke earlier this week not only to the new Hell City Glamours platter but a rack enhancing skin tight white tee shirt with the glamours babe emblazoned across the front in gold.Spoilt beyond my wildest dreams and in love with the track “Josephine”.Je adore!

I’m off to bed.Been having heaps of pervy dreams so whats the point of being awake? Duh.


