
something about the Tote. Ok where was I???…Yeah!The Tote! Ha! Awsome as always to catch up with Contrive,[have a cool trip to europe boys.] I have known the twins for about a millon years and Tim is the most dapper gentleman in rock..

onward I ramble…

As we are a support tonite the I would of had better luck with sound yelling into a paper cup with a peice of string hanging out of it!In light of this fast dawning fact about two songs into the set,I decide to do the 2 things that have never failed me in such situations.1]Be a total bolshie pillock and 2]Use all around me in a weight ratio experiment…Including the lighting rig,speaker stacks and punters if they keep still for long enough.

Contrive just keep getting better,Its all those trips up and down the Hume…Oh man,By now it is late and time for Abrasion.Dumb ass here decides to sit with her fingers in her ears right in front of the PA.These boys hit all the brown notes..you know? When the bottom end is so heavy that you gotta go for a dump half way through the set.A Great bunch of guys,go see ’em.You wont regret it.Load out and die in the ass.

Back to the hotel to wind down and puruse the most excellent porn that I picked up on the way out of Sydney that has already even at this early point done a few rounds of the van,Cant talk [“Shitty Pa’s!!Thou shall not break me!!!”I did that in my best Charlton Heston voice…]And I smell like shit! Its a pirates life for me!… I am mixing it all up here! I know! But We are playing The Cambridge in Newcastle tommorow (woops was that the day before yesterday) nite and just wanted to remind you…Ha!Happy Trails to My fave Canberra Sick fuk,Jo,Blind ’em with science in the USA.

Lachie and The Bris-vegas Sickfucks..sorry I havent been in touch but stay on the left hand path…You rule…and to all the new Recruits in Melbourne…Welcome to the family![Michael.Ash,Alex,Karen,Benji,Lisa,Zoe…..]And before I run,Sickfuck 12#? we are writing and demo-ing every chance we get!!!!

Hey to Toddski and all in NY.As The King Would say “…Always on my mind…”SF 69# you make me blush! The Angelina Joilie of metal indeed!!Thanx for the e-mail dude!Go and get your eyes tested A.S.A.P…!!!! I gotta get gone.


The only Difference between a rut and a grave are the dimentions…
