The Horror! The Horror!………

I am laying pretty heavy odds that a whole lotta this is gonna make sweet fuck all on the “Sense” Front. So lets just go with it shall we?

I have never seen so many metalheads at a country town airport before and it tickled me black!I dont think ONE of us got through the security check without setting it off ,Moi included. I always give em’ a crooked smile which tends to make me look like I have just escaped from The Shady acres bughouse and say “Hmmm? It must be my clit ring.”

1] I gotta stop making Buddy Holly references when we hit turbulance.

2] Oh, and pulling faces at the 2 year old pearing over the seat in front of Me, making the little turd scream even harder.

3] Too much shit to mention but rest assured that I am nailing most of the 7 deadly with an animal grace and silent ease…..Blah,blah,blah…. I will give up all my sins for Lent.


Metal for the brain?

Oh FUCK yeah it RULED!!

I hope that they made a Zillion bucks!

Finally got to play the show that shaped the way that I looked at so much that is heavy and to all that draged their way out of bed to see us that early? Mucho thanx to you.

I gotta be the only rockpig who said “Hey” to their mother from stage.She was well chuffed!

I dunno where to start…

Well Stolkholm Syndrome! I gotta thank Nathan at this point for being a pit pal and laughing his bass- god ass off with me for most of the day.Good luck with the offspring and kiss ya beautiful wife! I saw far too many good bands are far too many cool tee-shirts that I wanted!! Leeroy got some master vid action so thanx to anyone who threw themseves at the mercy of the Tourettes lens and Leeroy.We have told him to stop asking people to get nude but if that is what you wanna do…hehhehhh…

If it is good enough for Motley crue…?…Nuff said.

I cant seem to find my bed.When I was a kid, I was sure that my toys partied on when the light was turned out.I was sure that the funiture had a rich and varied social life when my back was turned as well but I think that that is all you need to know on that….as the young lion that I am now? I am sold on the idea that my room messes itself up.Evil elves? The Mafia? The ghost of Elvis? The mind fair fucking boggles….

Ok So I am a pig.I am domestically retarted.I need a maid. Hell! Puff Daddy has got some one to wipe his ass!! Who would be-grudge me a slave..erm..a maid.I cant be alone in never quite seeing Sir Jimmy Page the same way after he worked with P diddy or whatever the fuk he is calling himself this week.See! Sell your soul to the big man downstairs and sure,write some of the greatest music of all time BUT be warned! Payback is a BITCH!

Toldya none of this was gonna make sense.

Fuck it I will rape my journal and throw it up here for you cause I am sooo tired that I am seeing 3 of everything.I am gonna crash in Nanda’s room and scratch mine up as a casulty of war.Till I can get the sappers in? It is a dead zone.

I am fully aware the Stupid, fat and lazy is no way to go through life but I will cross that bridge when I am forced over it at gunpoint.

Bury my ass at Wounded knee…