How you tore your dress,what a mess…

-Wayne Newton.

Lemme tell ya,
You get a bass player turning up with the best of Wayne Newton on Cd? You know you are in the right fucking band.
I am sitting here in my cowboy hat and clean hair,Shock!
Drug fulled hair dying convo at Chez rock on a thursday nite [“What day is it?”-Me “Well Mike told Me thursday when I asked him the same question…” B* “Ok ,so we roll with that.”- Me]

Delux and The B* coverse….

[“Cool thing” Sonic youth]

-How much have you got?
-I dunno…erm…about a tube?
-Will that be enough?
-I guess.
-But Pink? I mean are you sure?
[Me,Nanda & B*]

Jack Daniels,Pot,Peach schnapps,Lucky strikes,Led Zep,Sonic youth videos,chocolate,Drum solos and hair dying.

Just another day at the office.

Just dont make me look like a fucking metrosexual man!

I was just happy cause I woke up in an utter cunt of a mood with my ears killing me and when I fell down the stairs there was Ross! Which was exactly who I wanted to see.I never want to see anyone so that was good enough an omen for me.We are all getting a buzz up for this tour and Delux keeps questioning my pesonal hygene [Flawless if you give a shit…]which gives me the shits and Mikey is bying obscue electical things.

The next clip sound amazing and its for “Dont blame me”.
Drummers rule!
They shag in in time!2!3!4!
We all just paused at the same time to listen to them shagging upstairs.

-All of us.
Sex Drugs and rock and ROLL!
Oh yeah….and then me.

Not the most mature of environments.Cool.Ross looks really smashing with blond hair.Go on and tell hin so.And for the record I dont give a shit that my sheets look like the Shroud of Turin.Its Art.Call Me Yoko.On second thoughts dont.

More drinks?

You dont need alcohol man, and I dont think that I could handle you drunk!
-Nanda on me.

I must be pissed mate! Im sitting round in a t-shirt.I dont care.I got my burbon.I got a computer. -Ross.

As the B* is leaving loungroon debauchary seems to be pretty fitting right now.I fell like I am 14 again.
I always feel like that.

That cunt he’s got no inner peace.
-Ross talking about what he feels like at yoga when his phone rings.

Now they are talking about soft cocks and Pantera is on.Mike is gonna come down and kill us.But he’s pretty good.Sleeps through most of our apoclyptic shit.

Are you writing all this down?
-the unholy 3 from the spew stained rug.
She Lies!!!!
-the pissed trinity.

15 years and I never knew this guy existed in this band and hes the guitar player…shit…..

You drunk fuck!

They are all gonna skin me when they find out that I am quoting them like this.I can cause I am sober and they are funny as all crap to listen to.Man I want a ciggerette!Who knows.In my warped imagination this nite may turn out to mean somthing important.I think that my inner rock star needs a bit of a kick start.I mean,My drummer is upstairs getting laid,delux is cool on the sofa JD in hand,B* rolls the best spliffs in history and Nanda is inhaling a quart of burbom and her body weight in doritos….and I am writing about it.
I am….?

‘Smells like teen spirt’ live at Redding “I wish I was there ” sighs Nanda from the floor misty eyed.She just got up and showed me the love.”I am writing about you” I said.
She just smiled.
All the family I got?
I found or they found me.And its all about rock and roll baby.That is all that really matters.

Blackie? Where ever you are tonite bro? I miss you and we are all thinking about you and hope that the tour is going great.

Toddski.Thank you.

I think that I am getting a contact high from the vibe in here right now,Who just read my mind and put on the fucking Ramones man??? Hell yeah!

Have a fuckin’ good one cause I am!