Feeling good is good enough.


-Is that all ya got? Is that the best you can do?
Tourettes 04′

If I drank [ Count your ass lucky that I am now as dry as the desert…] I would charge my glass [Jug?…neh…Bucket!] to Hubert Selby Jr who I consider to be one of the greatest writers of the last bazillion years. He brought the farm in LA a few days ago.Fuckin’lung cancer…. The man wrote “Requiem for a dream” for Christs sake! ” Last Exit to Brooklyn” as well….
Get them.
Read them.
The man was a God.
I hope that you are smoking your talented ass off where ever you are tonite. Rest in peace.

OK. So here I am in a bad mood again. Listening to Buddy Guy. So at least that is one cool thing.Hubert!!!! Fuck!!!! Kill a talent like that and let the plebs live. Said it before say it again. No God. Unfair.

Question of the day…….
What do you do when you dont even like the people that you thought that you loved? Where the fuck does THAT leave you….

As is now known I went up the river for a few days.I am trying to remember why I came back at all is as shit as I left it. Not that I expected anything else.Woulda been a nice suprise.The shock would have also killed Me. The way that I feel right now? Not even interesting enough to be Kurtz….at least he had the balls to go out for The airbourne and He was 38 at the time { Note to self: You know far too much about that film…] I digress…I am the snail who crawled on the edge of the straight razor and lived.

OK. So I end up in the middle of nowhere. I wrote alot and thought too much. It was cold and I counted as many of the stars as I could. Wished that I still smoked.Nature is pretty crap.I dont get camping…Its like a kick up the ass of a million years of evolution. I pay rent! I would have stayed home but I hate it there too….. Thought about the war that wont stop inside me or out side for that matter.And of how to rob a bank.Spun in circles..fell over…..wrote some more…….all the cool shit that ya get up to when you cut yourself some slack…. Had a good laugh when I remembererd how the last person who well meaningly told me to “Lighten up!” Ended up with my fist in their face.

Went to the Marquee club to catch the AW boys on the weekend. Rock fuckin’ solid. Cool fuckin’ venue as well! Good to see alot of the Sikfuks out in force. We are gonna tear it up on the 22nd with those boys….always a pleasure.

I just need to play again,Thats my problem. I would hate to be in a band with me [I can picture my boys reading this going “Well! She hit the nail on the head with that one!” ] I want to play those huge shows that go for hours. [ Too many years of Zepplin dreams…..] Yeah, I know…thats why I gotta write more stuff, I just cant write about crap that dont matter to me thats all. And Ash is prone to chuck most of My stuff so you get a bit headshy about sticking your neck out. Its worth it though when I stop and I hear ya’ll singing back to Us.Fuck I love that.

That is what it will always come back to for Me.Live barefoot in a dive bay-bee! Damn I love this shit! Blues dudes always ask “Somebody better come help me!” before they peal into a bullshit solo!!!! LOVE IT!!! You dont need no help!!! You are the man!

The B* has just come down for a ciggerette so my mind is wandering a bit. Oh, and to tell me for the millionth time today that “……it is freezing.!!!!!” She would wear ugg boots in Jamaica. I shit you not.I am convinced that all the people that I know have been sent to drive me mad. I had really solid intentions for this rant but seeing as I am so tired it is all turning to shit before Me.

As perverse as it sounds I am enjoying, on a daily basis, watching what little faith I had left disolve. I hate “Paper cut pain” I want the big hurt or fuck off with your bad self!

I recently found out that Saint Tina reads this shit. Poor woman. Would you wish such a heinious child apon anyone?
I would and the list is Long…….

Thanx for all the mail that ya’ll have been slinging my way .I dedicate this next album to you. Ash is writing the most amazing stuff and I, again, am wallowing in dreck. We Record on Friday so we shall see what we see…

On a different note one of my favorate daily corrispondants has stopped writing Me. If he is reading this I hope that he is well and all is ok.I miss your wit and banter my stoner friend….Tear yourself away from the bong and write me.

The house is gonna wake up soon and I dont wanna see anyone so dont get none on ya and I will catch you when I can get it a bit more sorted in this addled head of mine. SF4L

11/5/04-When it comes to being lucky she’s cursed…..
“First cut is the deepest”If I ever live in a share house again I invite you all to the scattering of my ashes.This blows dogs. I am going to order a tee-pee with a killer soundsystem and fuck off for good.Come back to do albums and shit but out side of that I am gonna get all zen on my bad self and live with out human contact. Everyone is driving me mad and they pretend not to speak english every time the phone gets cut off or white goods explode.I am always right.

The only laugh I am getting is evesdropping on the chatroom and watching you all have a go at each other! Fuck you crack me up!

Miss Sheila is slaving away on the SF site and from what I have seen it is all good. Delux and his shady cronies are updating the site in general soooo we shall see what we shall see..

I am in a cunt of a mood and all the light bulbs in the house are blowing up. It tis’ no wonder that I am totally insane.

Everyone in this house is insane, Not just me and if these wall could talk they would get sued by many rock types.
Trust Me on that one. Gossip TOO wrong even for my tender ears!

Fuck this.
Fuck it all .
I will write more when I have somthing to say which will be at some dumb assed hour of the morning.
Till next we meet….round 3am suit ya?
Lt Madden